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Regular or Monthly Tenant Letter and Update - 3/9/2020
Welcome to part one of our regular update! We will be emailing out to all of our tenants who sign up for it, a regular update of seasonal notices and news, events in the area, parking/traffic concerns if something big comes up, or in general just things we think it would be useful for you to know. You can also check here for updates as well. We will try to also have information bi-lingual if the translate feature on the computer is not working for people.
We will try to keep this organized and clean for ease of reading, and please feel free to reach out with any questions. At this time, we mostly want to ask you to contact Alicia to sign up for the email blast, we promise we won't flood your inbox.
Traffic: Starting today, for the next few weeks at least, East Chicago Street will be eastbound only, westbound will need to take a detour so plan that ahead.
Downtown Elgin Happenings: the Elgin DNA will be holding the 20 best of 2020 for Downtown Elgin in a few weeks. It looks like it is shaping up to be a fun event. For commercial tenants this is a great chance to advertise and be involved. We will let you know more when they release more news. *Update 3/11/2020: is the web address. Voting begins March 20th, one vote per person.
Available Units: I don't know if you remember, but in your lease if you refer someone to us and they sign a lease and move in, you get $100.00 credit to your rent! Well right now, we have 3 great offices available, 2 studio apartments and 1 two bedroom apartment available and possibly other's in a couple of months, so if you know someone who is looking, please get them in touch with us and let's see if we can help them out! Please remember to mention to us that you are referring someone over to us as soon as you can!
March 16 Update: With the current coronavirus situation, if you are a tenant of ours and having any issues as a result, please contact us ASAP so we can make a plan with you to cover your individual needs.
Some Future Topics:
Events Coming Up
Downtown Elgin Activities
Available Units - Get a credit to your rent!
Traffic Issues
Big Regional News
Seasonal reminders
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